Slumdog Plot Summary

Thus titled because this particular plot summary grew up in the slums of India alongside Jamal and Salim and those other well-paid extras they found on the streets of Mumbai a day before shooting.

Alright so, in essence, Slumdog is a film based on the book by Vikas Swarup. All delicious cynicism aside, it’s an incredible story.

The story revolves around Jamal Malik, his brother Salim, and the tragically beautiful Latika SheHasNoLastName. The Malik brothers grow up in the slums of India, earning money on the streets and seeking shelter where they can find it. We are taken on a journey through India as well as Jamal’s childhood via excerpts of memory. These memories explain the answers to all the questions Jamal is asked on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

OK hold up. Forgot about that. So basically, throughout the film it’s brought home that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is one of the most watched programmes in India. Which makes sense – who wouldn’t want a one way ticket to a better life, right? Right. Long story short (you want details: watch the film) Jamal finds himself on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Also: he gets the answers right. All of them.


So as he answers the questions he lets you tag along with all his flashbacks, which at times make you giggle like a schoolgirl, and at other times makes you want to claw your eyes out and throw them at the director like:

“Why!? Why you make me feel so SAD!? ”

A word on cinematography – incredible. (Yes, literally one word. It sums it up.)

Before we end, here are some parting words. This is a coming of age story with some hardcore love thrown in – you’ll feel the feels. This film is a wonderful trip through the sights and sounds of India, but don’t run off and buy plane tickets. Remember: movies aren’t real. Well, except the Ring. That was real.


– Nicol

“It is written….

“It is written…”
